Google Maps Timeline shows an estimate of places you may have been and routes you may have taken based on your Location History. You can edit or delete your Location History—including time ranges—in Timeline anytime. Timeline is private, so only you can see it, and it’s available on mobile and desktop.

How to Use Google Drive's New 'View History' Feature If you use Google Docs (or Sheets, or Slides) you may have noticed a recent pop-up letting you know that “Editors can now see you view history.” Without any context, the message is a little How to see EVERY Google search you've ever made Fortunately you can stop Google recording your search history, and pretty easily too. Clicking the "details" control under any past search will see a pop-up window appear with all manner of data Google Lets You Download Every Search Query You've Ever Apr 21, 2015

Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content.

I've had the same experience. I saw my husbands timeline history on google maps and was accusing him of being places that google maps was showing in his location history. SO, I set up the app on my own phone and would check my timeline. To my surprise it also showed me being places that I never went and on days that I never left my house! Google's 'My Activity' is like your browser history on Jun 29, 2016 How to view my Google Translate history - Quora

Welcome to My Activity

Google Maps Timeline - Computer - Google Maps Help Google Maps Timeline shows an estimate of places you may have been and routes you may have taken based on your Location History. You can edit or delete your Location History—including time ranges—in Timeline anytime. Timeline is private, so only you can see it, and it’s available on mobile and desktop.