The ability to directly specify the content of a certificate SAN depends on the Certificate Authority and the specific product. Most certificate authorities have historically marketed multi-domain SSL certificates as a separate product. They’re generally charged at a higher rate than a standard single-name certificate.

Procedure. Before creating a CSR, the applicant first generates a key pair, keeping the private key secret. The CSR contains information identifying the applicant (such as a distinguished name in the case of an X.509 certificate) which must be signed using the applicant's private key. In the preceding example, the openssl binary is located at c:\openssl\bin and the client certificate is located at c:\certs\2009 with file name userone_client.pem. The DN of the issuer of this certificate is /DC=lan/DC=example/CN=ca. This DN of issuer is in the same format of the output of the NetScaler appliance. Mar 19, 2013 · On the Submit a Certificate Request or Renewal Request screen, paste the content of the server001.csr file (previously placed on the clipboard), in the Certificate Template drop down window select Web Server or other appropriate to your needs template and click Submit. The certificate is issued and the Certificate Issued screen displays. Welcome to the MISO Certificate Validation Tool. This tool is used as an aid to validate the certificate and provide the formatted Distinguished Name (DN) for Market Portal user registration. The tool will perform the following functions. Display certificate details such as issuer and subject DN The Subject DN to User Attribute certificate mapper attempts to establish a mapping by searching for the subject of the provided certificate in a specified attribute in user entries. In this case, you must ensure that user entries are populated with the subjects of the certificates associated with those users.

Jun 13, 2013 · * ssl_c_s_dn: returns the full Distinguished Name of the certificate presented by the client * ssl_c_s_dn(cn): same as above, but extracts only the Common Name * ssl_c_i_dn: full distinguished name of the issuer of the certificate presented by the client * ssl_c_notbefore: start date presented by the client as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss

Where it is non-empty, the subject field MUST contain an X.500 distinguished name (DN). The DN MUST be unique for each subject entity certified by the one CA as defined by the issuer field. A CA MAY issue more than one certificate with the same DN to the same subject entity. The subject field is defined as the X.501 type Name. A successful certificate request can only contain the characters A through Z and 0 through 9 in the fields of the request. You can use a period (.) in the common name of the key request to specify a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). TLS servers may request a certificate from the client. This request includes a list of 0 or more acceptable issuer DNs. The client may use this list to determine which certificate to send. GnuTLS's default behavior is to not send a client certificate if there is no match. However, OpenSSL's default behavior is to send the configured certificate.

generate user certificate for user account. Follow instructions in this blog. Short version: create csr (certificate signing request). I usually create a new directory and name it after the name of the user/host we want to create a certificate for. For user10, create a user10 folder. Inside this folder, create a text file user10.inf like this:

Issuer DN. MUST identify the CA. For example, the DN must not be a generic value such as "Certificate Authority." Subject DN. The encoded form MUST be byte-for-byte identical with the Issuer DN. Subject Public Key Info. rsaEncryption with an RSA modulus of 2048, 3072, or 4096. Or ecPublicKey using secp256r1 or secp384r1. When configuring the Matching Criteria for our SMB appliance, check the DN box and paste the Subject of our SMB appliances Default Certificate if you took Option A. In case of Option B first copy the DN of the created Certificate from within ICA Management Tool. then paste it into the DN field of the VPN certificate as issued by our internal_ca.