Use AirDrop on your Mac - Apple Support

2020-1-23 · 启动您的 Mac 并启动到 Windows。 插入您的 Mac OS 安装磁盘。 a. 如果安装程序窗口没有自动显示,请单击“开始” 按钮,然后单击“计算机”。 b. 单击包含 Mac OS 磁盘的驱动器。 c. 双击 Boot Camp 文件夹。 d. 双击 setup.exe。 e. 单击“安装”。 按照屏幕上的 Google Chrome 网络浏览器 2020-7-23 · 适用于 Mac OS X 10.10 或更高版本。 此计算机将不会再收到 Google Chrome 更新,因为 Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.9 不再受支持。 此计算机将不会再收到 Google Chrome 更新 Mac - Apple Explore the world of Mac. Check out MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support. MacBook Air_百度百科 2008-2-19 · MacBook Air,是2008年2月19日苹果公司推出的笔记本。MacBook Air笔记本具有11.6寸和13.3寸两个尺寸,最低起售价格6288元。MacBook Air有金色、银色和深空灰色三种外观,配备加入了原彩显示技术的视网膜显示屏;机身由 100% 再生铝金属

纤薄轻巧的 MacBook Air,现在又变强大了。它拥有绚丽的视网膜显示屏、全新妙控键盘、触控 ID、性能最高提升至 2 倍的处理器 1、更快的图形处理器,以及翻倍的存储容量。优雅的楔形机身由 100% 再生铝金属打造,堪称 Mac 中的环保典范 2。再加上能满足一天所需的电池续航,这款备受人们喜爱的 Mac

Setup Assistant is designed to run on the first boot of a fresh install of OS X, which is why you'll only see it when booting up a a brand-new Mac or one that has been erased and had OS X reinstalled. Besides options for keyboard layout, time zone and asking if you'd like to register, Setup Assistant also lets you create a new user account. Boot Camp 6.0 下载 - 苹果Mac电脑官方最新 … 在微软 Windows 10 系统 正式上市之后,苹果终于为 Mac 电脑 (Macbook Pro / Air / iMac 等全线产品) 提供了最新的 Boot Camp 6.0.6133 / 6237 Windows 驱动程序正式版下载了。最新版的苹果 Boot Camp 驱动已可完美支持 Win10 / Win8 / Win7 等系统!之前旧版的驱动在 Win10 下有不少小毛病,发热厉害、电池表现差、系统不稳定 How to Setup & Use iCloud Photos on Mac - OS X Daily

MAC安装WIN10的种种问题及解决方 …

How to Setup Chromecast on Mac - 2020-7-21 · Setup and Use Chromecast On Mac. Previously, it was possible to Setup Chromecast on Mac by downloading the Chromecast App to computer and completing the entire setup process directly on a MacBook. However, Chromecast App is no longer available for download on Computers and currently the only way to Setup Chromecast Device is by downloading Install Docker Desktop on Mac | Docker Documentation 2020-7-22 · If you are already running Docker on your machine, first read Docker Desktop for Mac vs. Docker Toolbox to understand the impact of this installation on your existing setup, how to set your environment for Docker Desktop on Mac, and how the two products can coexist. 各版本的苹果BootCamp驱动下载-照牛排 - … 2013-3-15 · 不是每台苹果都能装XP / WIN7,关键是看购买年份或预装的BootCamp版本。总的来说,2011年以前的MAC,最好是从BootCamp3.1逐步安装至3.3;2011年以来的Mac Lion / Mountain Lion用户,只能用BootCamp4.0 / 5.0(Macbook Air有专用的,Macbook Pro及